Monday, June 21, 2010

Welcome Summer

Summer officially begins today, according to the calendar. I'm happy to report that the sun is shining and my baby boy is feeling much better. I'm happy to start the summer with the important things in check. I can already feel how our routines and rules have shifted. Bedtimes and wake times are changing up a bit along with structure. Food choices have become looser, and so meal planning is a must.

This marking of summer is bittersweet for me. It signals time for relaxation and fun and time home with family. But in the back of my mind, it also marks the last season of me being home with my babes full time. I want to make the most of everyday. Even if that means not doing much, just enjoying the lazy days. I've come up with a Personal Summer Goals list of things I'm challenging myself to do. I've listed it on the side. September 1st is the deadline, or when summer starts to come to an end for me. Our whole family lives and breathes by the "school" calendar. The year begins in September and ends in June. That's the only way I remember it, and the way it will continue.

The time in between is NOW!

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