While out in our little garden the other day, I took a bunch of photos. We added the better part of one yard of soil to the beds and had the deer fence rebuilt.
This is looking down at the lower bed. This one is quite loaded. In the lower right corner, you can see how my black mint, oregano and thyme not only came back from last year, but has taken over. Behind it, we planted peas (seeds) and morning glories (seeds). On the left side, we planted basil, chives, dill, cilantro, and strawberries (all plants). I had a ton of parsley come back from last year which was a huge surprise. It was the last herb to die off before our first frost, and I never pulled it up. It was the first herb to come back in the early spring and has already gone to seed. (need to do some major trimming) We also have some marigolds, vincas, petunias, a lone cosmo that reseeded from last year, and Girly's sunflower from school.
We planted two small rows of string beans last year and they produced enough for at least 6-8 dinners. This year we planted three larger rows since they were so delicious last year.

Peas! I think they are such beautiful plants. The leaves remind me of clover, and I love the way they send out the tendrils to grow upward. Can't wait to see how they come out!

Peas! I think they are such beautiful plants. The leaves remind me of clover, and I love the way they send out the tendrils to grow upward. Can't wait to see how they come out!
I'm excited about the pumpkins. I hope they are here in time for Halloween. The corn I'm doubtful about, but it was a huge request from my girl. Our carrots last year were the best I've ever tasted, but take a LONG time to grow. Our herbs are growing so quickly that many have seeded. I dug all the holes, my girl planted nearly every seed.
So now, we water and watch. It's such a rewarding thing....a garden, even our small 8x4 foot plots. And I would be remiss not to mention that our garden gate is greeted by a huge patch of four and five leaf clovers. We discovered this last year, and it is a constant reminder of how beautiful and lovely things that are "different" can be! We love our little garden. I promise to post more photos as she grows.
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